Developing A Manager’s Mindset

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Developing A Manager's Mindset

Developing A Manager’s Mindset

Developing a manager’s mindset is critical when leading a team. One of the most important things we can do is have excellent communication skills.
According to a recent study, 69% of managers are uncomfortable communicating with their team. Being uncomfortable with communications can lead to problems within our team. Our team won’t know what we expect from them, or how to come to us when issues arise.
In today’s fast-paced working world, we must develop a manager’s mindset and be confident when communicating with our team.
Below are three ways we can start developing a manager’s mindset.

1. Set Clear Expectations

A great manager makes it a priority to set clear expectations. Setting clear expectations will require us to communicate with our team strategically.

Consider the following:

  • Meetings – When structuring meetings, we need to have a loose idea of what we want the team to get out of each meeting. For example, in our next meeting, we let our team know we want them to decide whether or not the project everyone has been working on is ready to start production. This will give our team the ability to prepare for this decision, bringing any information necessary to ensure the decision is informed. We will want this expectation to be clear and set early, so everyone knows what to expect.
  • Communications Channels – As managers, our team must know how they can reach us. For example, if our inbox is buried with emails, we may want to tell our team to call, or stop into our office if they have something urgent to report. This way, the information doesn’t get lost in our inboxes. Or, we can set up a Slack or Trello board for our team so they can send us messages in real time. Whatever our chosen communications channel is, we must ensure everyone is on the same page.
  • Be Clear – When communicating any information with our team, we want to ensure we are clear. This means using clear communications. For example, let’s say we want our team to create marketing materials for a new product. We have a vision in mind, but we haven’t communicated this vision to our team. So, our team creates the marketing materials, but we don’t like them because they don’t match our vision. Our team is frustrated because they can’t read our minds. We must be clear in our communications, so everyone is on the same page.

Our team will stay focused and meet deadlines when we set clear expectations from the start.


2. Be Approachable

As managers, people are looking to us for guidance and approval. Our team needs to feel comfortable coming to us with questions or concerns.

Consider the following:

  • Engage – If we want our team to feel like they can approach us, we need to engage with them. This means taking time to get to know them. For example, before our meeting begins, we can set aside a few minutes to talk with our team. We can ask about their weekends or what their favorite restaurant is. Make sure to chime in as well. The more we engage with our team, the more approachable we will be. developing a manager's mindset
  • Listen – When developing a manager’s mindset, we must have strong listening skills. For example, if our team tells us they do not have enough time to complete the project by the deadline, and we do not listen, they will feel like they can’t come to us with any issues. This can lead to projects not meeting expectations or failing to meet deadlines. You must listen to our team. Listening to our team will make them feel seen and heard. It will also make us more approachable. 
  • Consistent – Being consistent will make us more approachable. For example, when our team comes to us with a question, do we address it immediately, or do they have to ask to get an answer repeatedly? If we slow down their process, they may stop coming to us with questions because we aren’t consistent. This makes our team feel like we are less approachable. And this can cause significant issues for future projects and deadlines.

Our team needs to feel like they can come to us with questions or issues. We need to showcase approachability for them to feel this way.


3.  Empower Our Team

For many of us, getting through our long t0-do list can feel overwhelming. However, when managing a team of people, we need to ensure we are taking care of our team. 

Consider the following:

  • Give Credit – Giving credit to our team when they do a good job is critical. Our team works hard; we need to show them we see their hard work. For example, let’s say our department gets an award for having a record sales year. The award generally goes to the department head, which is us. However, our team deserves recognition. Giving public credit to our team will empower them to continue doing their jobs. If we take all of the credit, it can build distrust. developing a manager's mindset
  • Ask For Feedback – Another way to empower our team is to ask for feedback, and act on it. For example, let’s say we’ve asked for input regarding a new system our team uses. Our team returns to us and says the new system creates several issues. Instead of taking this information and doing nothing, we can ask them what they think would improve the system. Implement their ideas. When we do this, our team feels more ownership over their jobs, making them feel more empowered.
  • Training Courses – Most likely, many of our team members hope to advance their careers. Offering training courses to help our team achieve their career goals is an excellent way to empower them. For example, if our company provides leadership training, offer this training to our team. Or, if there are external courses we think would be valuable, we can let our team know. Doing these things will make our team feel like we care about them as people.

When we take care of our team, and empower them to do their jobs, they will take care of us.

Developing a manager’s mindset will help our team work at their utmost ability, making us look good.


Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways we can help you:

  1. Discover your communications style so you know where to start. Over 4,000 people have found theirs here.
  2. Attend our monthly communication workshop to build communications confidence (new topics: public speaking, advocating for yourself, building credibility, etc) here.
  3. Get your brand in front of 43k+ people by sponsoring our newsletter or Soulcast Media | LIVE LinkedIn events [contact:]

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