Keeping Your Presentations Engaging

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keeping your presentations engaging

Keeping Your Presentations Engaging

Picture this: you’re in the middle of your talk, and then you spot it – a bunch of heads buried in their phones. It’s like an alarm bell ringing: “Warning, boredom alert!”

When people start checking out, that’s your cue to switch things up. Because here’s the deal: when they’re bored, your message isn’t really landing. This study says you’ve got three seconds to grab their attention back. 

You can use your voice to pull their wandering minds right back in. Adjust your tone, toss in a surprising inflection, or let a well-timed pause hang in the air. It’s like hitting the reset button on their focus. 

Below are two strategies you can use to keep your presentations engaging.

1. Body Language & Tone Of Voice

Ever had that moment when you’re talking, and you notice some folks have wandered off into their own worlds? It happens, but you can use your voice and body language to reel your audience back in. The next time you see those daydreaming gazes, don’t sweat it. Just let your voice do its thing, and sprinkle in some engaging body language. 

Consider the following:

  • Inflection – Have you ever noticed how just a little tweak in how you talk can turn heads and grab attention? Emphasizing a word here or there, or taking things down a notch, and speaking in slow motion can make all the difference. Think about it: when you really want someone to get what you’re saying, you give that word an extra oomph, right? It’s like putting a spotlight on it. And when you slow things down, it’s like inviting everyone to this cinematic moment where every word counts. So, remember, when you’re up there and you’ve got something important to say, play with those gears. It’s like adjusting the volume knob on your message, making sure everyone’s all ears. keeping your presentations engaging
  • Pitch – Presentations aren’t meant to be monotonous snoozefests, right? So, let’s shake things up a bit. Ever tried switching up your pitch? It’s like adding sprinkles to your speech – a touch of variety that keeps things interesting and engaging. Imagine your pitch as a roller coaster, with those ups and downs. When you ride those waves, your audience is right there with you, not zoning out. It’s like infusing life into your words, making them dance and sing. So, next time you’re up there, remember to ride the pitch roller coaster, and you’ll have everyone on the edge of their seats.
  • Body Language – It’s not just about your voice; your body’s got a role to play too. Imagine you’re not just rooted to the stage, but you’re roaming around like you’re on a mission. Picture this: you’re illustrating an idea, and you stroll across the room, showing it in action. Or maybe, you go all out and step off the stage for a brief moment. Yeah, that’s a bit of on-the-fly action, but if you’re comfortable in your speaking shoes, this move is a showstopper. It’s like the spotlight suddenly zooms back on you, and your audience is all eyes on deck. So, remember, the stage isn’t a cage – it’s a canvas for your performance. Get moving, show that energy, and watch how their attention perks right back up.

When your audience’s attention is drifting, use your voice and body language to reel them right back in. It’s like a duo that’s got your back in the presentation game.


2. Address The Audience

Ever been in the spotlight and seen a little side conversation action happening in the crowd? Yeah, it’s like a mini red flag waving. But don’t sweat it – there’s usually a couple of things going on here. Think of it as a little feedback loop. When you spot those whispers, it’s your cue to step up your game. Maybe change up your tone or reiterate your point. It’s like a signal telling you to dial in and make sure your message reaches every corner of the room. So, let those whispers guide you, and keep the spotlight firmly on your words.

Consider the following:

  • Address The Audience – When you’re up there and you feel like a few folks might be slipping away, engage the audience directly. Imagine this: you’re in the middle of your spiel, and you throw out a question like, “Need a little clarification?” It’s like you’re giving them a gentle nudge, catching them off guard just a tad. They’ll pause, put down whatever distraction they had, and tune right back into your words. It’s all about breaking their train of thought and pulling them into yours. So, next time you feel those attention waves waning, ask a question and watch them snap right back into the conversation. keeping your presentations engaging
  • Leave Space –  When you see folks scribbling away, jotting down notes as you speak, it means you’re absolutely nailing it. Your words are striking a chord, and they’re soaking it all in. When you spot those pens hitting the paper, it’s your cue to dial it down a notch. Slow things down a tad, give them room to capture those pearls of wisdom. And hey, don’t hesitate to let a pause linger here and there. 

Keeping your audience hooked is all about tuning into them. You’re up there, and they’re right there with you. It’s not just about you talking; it’s about the connection you’re building with every person in that room. 

The next time you sense those attention waves slipping away, remember, your voice is your ally. Give it a twist, talk to your audience, and watch their eyes light up again.


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  1. Discover your communications style so you know where to start. Over 4,000 people have found theirs here.
  2. Attend our monthly communication workshop to build communications confidence (new topics: public speaking, advocating for yourself, building credibility, etc) here.
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