Visibility And Communication Skills For Success

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visibility and communication skills for career success

Visibility And Communication Skills For Success

There are two sides to us, the working us and the visible us. The working us is our ability to get things done, hit deadlines and do the work. However, the visible us is what people think of us when they hear our name, and when we enter a room.

For many of us, the working us comes easy. But the visible us takes crafting, and is just as important (if not more!) Maintaining visibility in the workplace begins with honing our communication skills. The better we get at communicating, the more effectively we can showcase our unique value and stay firmly planted in the minds of those who matter.

In fact, a recent study revealed that 95.5% of employers see staying visible as absolutely essential for climbing the career ladder. Visibility is like the key that unlocks the door to those coveted opportunities.

visibility and communication skills for successOur CEO & Founder, Jessica Chen, recently hosted a Soulcast Media | LIVE event on LinkedIn where she interviewed the Author of “Small Actions: Leading Your Career to Big Success” & Founder of Institute of Life, Eric Sim. 

They shared tips and personal stories about visibility and communication skills for success.


1. Communication

During the Soulcast Media | LIVE event, Eric shared: Our job skills, multiplied by our communication prowess, equals the impression people have of us. It’s all about being able to effectively communicate the unique value we bring to the table. So, whether we’re an absolute pro in our field or a masterful communicator, it’s the combination of both that truly can help us stand out and improve how we’re perceived by others.

Consider the following:

  • Meetings – Staying in the spotlight at work sometimes means summoning the courage to raise our hand and speak up, even if our nerves are doing a little dance. Take, for instance, the classic scenario of a meeting – a prime opportunity to make our presence felt. During the Souclast Media | LIVE, Jessica shared, if speaking up feels like a daunting task, the first five minutes is your magic window. The longer we wait, the more those jitters can take hold, making it less likely we’ll jump into the conversation. 
  • Networking – Our stellar communication skills can be our superpower when it comes to networking. Whether we’re at a conference or a networking event, these skills can help us connect with people and forge those all-important relationships. During the Soulcast Media | LIVE, Eric emphasized that every person we meet can potentially open doors to new opportunities.
  • Intentional – Having a crystal-clear intention behind our communications can wield power. For instance, let’s say we’re gearing up to have a chat with our manager about a promotion. It’s important we set our intention by telling ourselves we’ve got to be crystal clear with why we’re asking for this, the value we bring to the team, and having facts to back it up. Meandering off-topic, beating around the bush, or stretching out our request can leave our boss scratching their head wondering “what exactly are we saying? When our message is sharp and easy to understand, it packs the most punch and stands the best chance of getting that coveted “yes.” 

Communication is the linchpin for maintaining visibility. When we master the art of communication in various situations and approach it with intention, we become not just better communicators, but also stay firmly planted in the forefront of people’s minds. 



2. Always Improving

Communications is a skill, which means there’s always room for improvement. In fact, everyone can hone one aspect of their speaking, whether it’s their tone of voice, body language, or even refining their speaking. It’s all about keeping this top of mind. 

Consider the following:

  • Practice – Becoming a great communicator is like mastering any other skill – it takes practice, practice, and more practice. For instance, Jessica shared a valuable tip: She’d practice recording herself speak so she could watch what she did well and habits that were distracting. It was only through watching it that she could catch what she was doing. On the flip side, Eric would step up on an empty stage after an event just to get a feel for the spotlight.

    It’s all about creating those opportunities for ourselves, putting ourselves in the very situations we aspire to be in, because the more we practice, the more confidence we build.

    visibility and communication skills for success

  • Self-Assessment – The road to improving ourselves starts with an honest self-assessment. We need to pinpoint the areas where we can grow in our communications. For instance, if we struggle with articulating our thoughts effectively, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and rehearse until we’ve mastered the art of getting our point across succinctly. It’s like creating a safe space for self-improvement, where we can sharpen our communication skills when stakes are low. 
  • Incremental Improvement – The idea of making monumental improvements can sometimes feel overwhelming. That’s where the power of incremental improvement comes into play. Instead of getting bogged down by the big picture, we can ask ourselves a simple question: “What small step can I take today to enhance my communication skills?” It could be as simple as enrolling in a communications course, diving into a good book on the subject, or deciding to speak up in a meeting early. These tiny, incremental improvements might seem small, but over time, they add up to substantial progress and transformative change.

Enhancing our communication skills is a journey that takes time and dedication. However, with each practice session, we become a little more confident and a whole lot better at it. 

When we can effectively communicate our work, we automatically convey our value. This is how we leave our mark, how we become unforgettable, and how we make sure that others see us and remember us for all the right reasons.

Check out Jessica’s Youtube Channel if you want to see the full LIVE version of Jessica and Eric’s conversation.


Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways we can help you:

  1. Discover your communications style so you know where to start. Over 4,000 people have found theirs here.
  2. Attend our monthly communication workshop to build communications confidence (new topics: public speaking, advocating for yourself, building credibility, etc) here.
  3. Get your brand in front of 43k+ people by sponsoring our newsletter or Soulcast Media | LIVE LinkedIn events [contact:]

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