What Is Your Communication Style?

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what is your communication style?

Everyone communicates differently.


Speaking well is one of the most important skills to get the recognition you deserve at work. If you speak clearly, confidently and concisely, people really listen. Yet, most of us are terrified of giving workplace presentations.

Knowing your communication strength will help you figure out how you can improve to quickly advance in your career. Because the truth is, great leaders are great communicators. Best part – it can be learned. Metrics alone isn’t enough. 

To determine how you can improve, see which communications style you gravitate towards: 

  1. Verbal
  2. Non-Verbal
  3. Visual
  4. Written

Think you know yours? You may be surprised. 


Discover your communication style by taking our free quiz here or by scrolling to the bottom of the page. You might be surprised at what you get!

Below, we’ve broken down the four communication styles in more detail.


1. Verbal Communications

Strong verbal communicators are innately good at storytelling, crafting messages that are thoughtful and engaging.  Oftentimes those with strong verbal communication skills are more comfortable with public speaking or leading a team meeting. 

If you are an aspiring leader or a current leader, you will want to continuously leverage and improve your verbal communications skills.

Traits of strong verbal communicators include:

  • Thoughtful when they talk with others
  • Effectively communicate thoughts
  • Don’t interrupt others when they speak
  • Speak clearly and confidently
  • Use differing tones when speaking

2. Non-Verbal Communications

Non-verbal communication is the way we communicate without using words. Our posture, hands, and eyes can’t speak, they are actually saying more than you think. 

In business, our non-verbal communication speaks volumes. People around us pick up on the way we carry ourselves and translates those suggestions into levels of energy, interest, and respect.  

Many cultures perceive non-verbal communications differently.  While making a gesture with your foot to point to something on the floor may seem trivial in America, the exact same gesture in Thailand is considered extremely rude.

So much can be said without saying a single word. Non-verbal communication traits include:

  • Having good eye contact when listening or speaking
  • Using intention and gestures to accentuate a point
  • Using facial expressions to convey a message
  • Being aware of space 


Visual communications refer to messages that can be seen and enhanced through imagery. Whenever a heavy amount of information is presented, a visual aid can help those listening comprehend the message. If you scored visual communications, chances are you know this already!

Colors, shapes, and textures are all parts of visual communications. In fact, visual communications can evoke powerful emotions.

Visual Communication traits include:

  • The ability to take an idea and create an image that conveys the idea
  • Creates visually interesting messages that evoke emotion
  • Understands the power of images 
  • Uses images to create information that is memorable.

Visual Communications is around us already. This includes logos, billboards, advertisements, PowerPoint designs. All these leverage visual communications to convey their messages.


4. Written Communications

Can you recall stories that you’ve read, tag lines that stick, or emails that you’ve read over and over again? The power of written communications has transcended history and platforms. In fact, you reading this is written communications at work!

Some people assume that being a strong verbal communicator is the most important type of communication style for business, but that isn’t always the case.  Being able to clearly convey your message in a written medium, like in an email or in a memo is just as important.

In fact, when delivering a large amount of important information, it might be best to go with a written communications channel. Writing things down can be a powerful way to help clarify a message. It can even help with processing so it’s conveyed more concisely. 

Written Communications traits include:

  • Thoughtful about word choice for clarity
  • Able to get the point across quickly and efficiently
  • Excellent at grammar and punctuation 
  • Able to convey tone and emotion effortlessly

Written communications is an important trait to being a well-rounded communicator.  Email, social media copy, text messages, and so much more are all written communications. In a digital world, it’s even more important to be a clear written communicator.


Your communication style is unique to you.  


To know where you can begin improving, you’ll first want to discover your style. From there, you will have better insight on where and how you can best communicate. We provided tailored tips just for your style at the end of the quiz. The key to being an excellent communicator is being a well-rounded one!


Discover your communication style by taking our quiz below and unlock your FREE resource (Available ONLY for communication quiz participants!)

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