Mastering Your Elevator Pitch

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mastering your elevator pitch

Mastering Your Elevator Pitch

When you meet someone for the first time, attend an event, jump into a new Zoom meeting, introducing yourself is effectively you giving an elevator pitch. This is a short and concise statement to get the conversation started and for you to build credibility and interest. In fact, according to this article on LinkedIn, everyone needs a solid elevator pitch. 

mastering your elevator pitchOur CEO and Founder, Jessica Chen, recently hosted a Soulcast Media | LIVE event on LinkedIn. She interviewed Chris Westfall, Business Coach & Keynote Speaker.

They shared tips and personal stories about mastering your elevator pitch.


1. What is an Elevator Pitch

To create a compelling elevator pitch, we must dissect what goes into it. Consider the following:

  • Persuasive Introduction – An elevator pitch is a short persuasive introduction where the other side will say, “Wow, tell me more.” For example, during the Soulcast Media | LIVE, Chris and Jessica suggested thinking about what you would say if you could only say only one thing about yourself. This will help you form the teaser of your elevator pitch and leave your audience asking a follow up question.
  • Conversation Starter – Reframing the idea of an elevator pitch as a way to start a conversation can take away the anxiety surrounding the word “pitch.” For example, one way to reduce your stress around an elevator pitch is to remember the person or people you are talking to is just another person! It’s a human-to-human interaction – not a potential client or even the C-suite executive you’re meeting for the first time.
  • Simple Message  – The simplest message is the strongest message. Straightforward will help you be understood. For example, people often get caught up trying to use big words and complicated ideas to make their elevator pitch sound more compelling. However, the more straightforward you are, the more your audience will resonate with it. Don’t overcomplicate it!

An elevator pitch is a way to start a conversation. The purpose of a pitch is to create intrigue and follow up.



2. Mastering Your Pitch 

During the Soulcast Media | LIVE, Jessica and Chris discussed strategies on how you can master your elevator pitch. Consider the following:

mastering your elevator pitch

  • Empty Chair Trick – Chris shared a strategy where you picture an empty chair in the room, which represents the client or the stakeholder the person you’re speaking with cares about. For example, if you pitch a new MRI machine to a hospital, the empty chair represents the patient who will go through the new MRI machine. If you can think about the stakeholders your audience cares about and tailor your message to them, the person you’re speaking with will care instantly. 
  • Be In The Moment – When it is time to give your elevator pitch, you have to be flexible and adaptable. Don’t feel the need to crame every single information in those first few minutes. Remember, it’s better to say less and engage, then to say more and lose their attention. 

Check out Jessica’s Youtube Channel if you want to see the full LIVE version of this Soulcast Media | LIVE conversation.


Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways we can help you:

  1. Discover your communications style so you know where to start. Over 4,000 people have found theirs here.
  2. Attend our monthly communication workshop to build communications confidence (new topics: public speaking, advocating for yourself, building credibility, etc) here.
  3. Get your brand in front of 43k+ people by sponsoring our newsletter or Soulcast Media | LIVE LinkedIn events [contact:]

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