Using Your Tone Of Voice

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using your tone of voice

Using Your Tone Of Voice

When we’re up there presenting, what really counts is letting our enthusiasm and passion shine through. So, you might be wondering, how exactly do we make that happen? Well, the secret lies in the way we use our voices during the talk.

Studies have shown that those captivating speakers, the ones who really draw us in, have a little trick up their sleeves. They play around with the tone of their voice, mixing it up to keep us all tuned in. 

Below are 2 ways to use your tone of voice when presenting.

1. Varying Voice Pitch

Imagine your voice is a musical instrument, and you’re playing a tune that captures everyone’s attention. The trick here is to let your pitch dance around, hitting those high notes and then dipping into those smooth low tones. This technique is what saves us from sounding like a broken record, keeping things interesting and far from monotonous.

Consider the following:

  • Pitch – Think about it this way: our pitch adds excitement to our speech. It’s what keeps our listeners in the loop, not drifting off. So, picture this scenario: you’re sharing some data, and there’s this one point that’s super important. To really drive that home, you’d go all dramatic. You’d slow things down a bit and put extra emphasis on those words, like “This is extremely important.” That’s how you hit the bullseye and ensure everyone’s hanging onto your every word. using tone of voice
  • Pauses – Don’t sweat the pauses. You can totally plan out these strategic moments where you just hit the brakes for a second. Let’s say you’ve just dropped a mind-blowing point. That’s when you let it hang in the air, giving folks a chance to really soak it in. It’s like driving that point home with a sledgehammer. Plus, on the sly, it’s also your mini-break time, a little breather before you dive back in. So, embrace those pauses, they’re your trusty sidekicks on stage.

When we play around with our pitch and sprinkle in those well-placed pauses, it’s the ultimate recipe for captivating presentations.


2. Inflections

Inflections are these little vocal twists that are like highlighters for our speech. When we throw in an inflection, we’re basically saying, “Hey, pay attention, this part right here is a big deal.” It’s like a secret code that tells the audience, “This is the key takeaway, folks.” So, think of inflections as your trusty sidekick, helping you underscore all the important stuff and keeping your audience right on track.

Consider the following:

  • Connecting – To make those inflections sound smooth you’ve got to really get cozy with your material. This means diving right into the heart of what you’re saying. When you’re connected like that, it’s like your voice just knows where to rise and fall to hit the right notes. Let’s say you’ve got this point you want everyone to remember. That’s when you whip out those inflections. It’s like painting that point in neon lights, making sure it’s etched into everyone’s memory. So, remember, the secret to making inflections shine is feeling the essence of your message, and then letting your voice do the dance. using your tone of voice
  • Environment – Inflections are like a remote control for the atmosphere you create. If you switch up your speech, dialing it down a bit, going softer and slower, it’s like you’re inviting everyone in for a cozy chat. It’s that magic touch that gets people leaning in, hanging onto your every word.

    That’s the power of those inflections – they’re not just about words; they’re about crafting an experience, shaping the energy of the room. So, the next time you’re up there, remember, you’ve got that remote control in your voice.

Using inflections as a tool strategically can help create a presentation that’s not just words, but an experience.

Your tone of voice is like your personal megaphone for passion and enthusiasm. Think about it: when you’re up there presenting, you’re not just talking, you’re painting a picture with your voice.


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  1. Discover your communications style so you know where to start. Over 4,000 people have found theirs here.
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