Go Job Shopping, Not Job Searching

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Go Job Shopping, Not Job Searching

Looking for a new job? Instead of mindlessly searching through listings, consider a mindset shift — think about looking for your next job, as going job shopping. In this week’s newsletter, our Founder & CEO, Jessica Chen, chats with the CEO of Career Coach, Madeline Mann, as she shares how to go job shopping, not job searching. 

Below is a small snippet of the entire conversation held on our Soulcast Media | LIVE show. If you’d like to watch or listen to the entire interview, click below. The transcript has been slightly edited for reading ease. 

📺 Watch the full live event here
🎙️ Listen to the Podcast episode here


Job Shopping

Madeline – I would say job shopping is all about knowing exactly what you want, getting on the same side of the table as the company, and being irresistible to companies.

What I want for every person is for companies to sell them on opportunities. And people will hear me say that and think. Well, not in this job market. I can’t. I just need to get in. I just need to take what I can get. And companies don’t want that.

They actually want the best possible talent, and they will even pay more if they think you are better than the other candidates because they know how important that is, and they’re scared to hire anyone who isn’t above a certain bar.

What I really want to instill in people’s heads is if it’s comfortable, then it’s crowded. Stop going for these cattle call approaches and start job shopping in a way where you elevate yourself. You put yourself forward for these really great opportunities, and you get companies selling you on the opportunities.



Madeline – What so many of us have learned to do for our resumes is list everything we’ve done in the past. That’s not how I teach people how to write resumes. 

Once we know exactly what your next career move is, we are going to study that profession, study that job description, study that company, and we are going to present only the information they really want to hear. 

Let’s say your most recent job was as an executive assistant. Ten percent of the time, you had helped with scheduling social media posts or making edits, and the marketing, and you were thinking, I really want to go into marketing.

Even though only 10 percent of your time was on social media, a hundred percent of what you talk about for that role will be social media now. And that is the piece that so many people don’t get.

People have autobiography syndrome, where they’re saying, Oh, I love my story. They need to understand why I moved from job to job and why this and that. No, the company doesn’t need to know those things. 

📺 Watch the full live event here
🎙️ Listen to the Podcast episode here

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