Navigate Change And Thrive At Work

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navigate change and thrive at work

Navigate Change And Thrive At Work

We all share a common desire to thrive in our work, don’t we? But have you ever wondered how we can actually make sure that it becomes a reality?

Did you know that in a recent survey, 76% of employees expressed their desire for new opportunities to expand their careers? It’s fascinating to see how many people are eager to thrive and grow professionally.


navigate change and thrive at workOur CEO & Founder, Jessica Chen, recently hosted a Soulcast Media | LIVE event on LinkedIn where she interviewed Executive Coach & Award-Winning Author, Libby Gill.

They shared tips and personal stories about navigating change and thriving at work.

1. Show Who We Are

It’s really important for us to effectively communicate what we do and truly showcase our authentic selves to others. When we’re able to let people know about our work and reveal our true identity, it can make a world of difference.

Consider the following:

  • Career Brand – When it comes to building our career brand, being proactive is key. It’s all about taking charge and deliberately shaping how we want others to perceive us. If we aspire to be seen as a leader, it’s up to us to make that conscious decision and fully embrace that role. It’s amazing how much influence we have over how others perceive us simply by taking that decisive step. navigate change and thrive at work
  • Perception – Once we’ve solidified our identity and know who we are, the next step is finding ways to embed this idea into someone else’s mind. For example, let’s say I am really good at brainstorming and generating ideas. So, when I get the chance to brainstorm with someone like you, it creates this perception that we’re fantastic at coming up with innovative and creative solutions. It’s incredible how this kind of collaboration can shape people’s impressions of us.
  • Differentiating Factor – One of the things we excel at and genuinely enjoy is identifying our unique differentiating factor. It’s like finding that special something that sets us apart from the crowd. For instance, let’s say we absolutely love speaking in front of people. In that case, public speaking could very well become our shining differentiating factor. It’s all about recognizing what we’re passionate about and leveraging it to make a memorable impact.

We each possess a perspective that no one else in the world has, simply by being ourselves. It’s like having a unique lens through which we see and experience the world. We’ve got to embrace it and get out there to share it with others. 


2. Speak Up

When it comes to thriving in the workplace, there’s a crucial skill we must master – speaking up and making sure our voices are heard. It’s all about finding the confidence and courage to participate in discussions, share our ideas, and contribute to the conversation. By doing so, we assert ourselves and bring valuable insights and perspectives to the table. 

Consider the following:

  • Meetings – When it comes to meeting it’s important we speak up and actively contribute. One helpful tip is to try and jump into the discussion within the first 10-15 minutes. By doing this, we increase the chances of our ideas being heard, and prevent anxiety from holding us back. It’s all about overcoming those initial barriers and making our presence felt from the start. 
  • How We Work – Letting people in on our thinking process and work style is very effective. It’s like giving them a glimpse into our unique approach. For instance, we can confidently say something like, “I just need a couple of hours to properly process the data.” When we express it with conviction, people tend to believe in our capabilities and acknowledge the effort we put into doing our homework. 
  • Take Ownership – Embracing and taking pride in what we bring to the table is critical. It’s all about recognizing our unique contributions and making sure they’re memorable. For example, if we’ve created a remarkable framework, we can go a step further and give it a catchy name that sticks in people’s minds. By doing this, we ensure that others remember not just the framework itself, but also the person behind it. 

Speaking up at work is absolutely crucial if we want to make ourselves seen and ensure our ideas are heard. It’s all about taking that initiative and actively participating in discussions and conversations. 

3. Make An Impact

When we strive to make an impact, it benefits our growth and success and contributes to the organization’s or team’s overall success. Whether through innovative ideas, exceptional performance, or going above and beyond, our ability to create positive change can propel us forward. 

Consider the following:

  • Align Objectives – It’s fascinating to consider how the work we do can have a profound impact not just on ourselves, but also on the entire team and organization. Take, for instance, when we shift our mentality from a “me” to a “we” mindset. It’s like a transformative shift that completely changes how people perceive us. When we prioritize the collective goals and contribute to the team’s success, it demonstrates our commitment and collaboration. navigate change and thrive at work
  • Explain The Process – Keeping everyone involved, and invested by effectively explaining the process is really important when it comes to working on projects. It’s all about ensuring that people feel included and informed every step of the way. For example, let’s say we’re working on a project and realize we won’t meet the deadline. The moment we become aware of this, it’s crucial to promptly communicate with our superior. By doing so, we can collaboratively come up with a plan to extend the deadline, rather than surprising them on the day the project is due. This open and proactive approach fosters transparency and allows for better problem-solving and decision-making. 
  • First 90 Days – During the Soulcast Media | LIVE event a question came in from the audience about how to make a significant impact after starting a new job. It’s a valid concern, and there are a couple of strategies we can employ. One powerful approach is to engage in as many conversations as possible and make an effort to meet as many people as we can within the organization. By doing so, we broaden our network, establish connections, and create opportunities to showcase our skills and expertise. 

When we actively strive to make an impact, we demonstrate our dedication, skills, and ability to go above and beyond. 

Thriving at work is incredibly important for our overall professional satisfaction and success. When we thrive, we experience a sense of motivation, engagement, and accomplishment that fuels our productivity and happiness. 

Check out Jessica’s Youtube Channel if you want to see the full LIVE version of Jessica and Libby’s conversation.


Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways we can help you:

  1. Discover your communications style so you know where to start. Over 4,000 people have found theirs here.
  2. Attend our monthly communication workshop to build communications confidence (new topics: public speaking, advocating for yourself, building credibility, etc) here.
  3. Get your brand in front of 43k+ people by sponsoring our newsletter or Soulcast Media | LIVE LinkedIn events [contact:]

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