Soulcast Media Membership

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soulcast media membership

 Present by Soulcast Media Membership enrollment jumps 79% since March 2020.

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Anyone can be a skilled communicator. However, a common misconception in the communications world is that great speakers are born this way. But in fact, communications is something that can be learned. With regular practice, coaching, and determination, huge improvements can be made. We can help. 
Our Soulcast Media Membership is a private community of individuals, executives, and leaders who are all striving for the same goal – to be a better communicator.
Inside the membership, we will deliver brand new content curated by our CEO & Founder, Jessica Chen, that’s easy to access on your computer, phone or tablet.
Here’s what you can gain from the membership:

1. Support and a Consistent Practice

We believe in order to become better at any skill, you must have the right support and a consistent schedule for practice. Our membership provides both of these via our monthly videos on new communications topics and our live group coaching calls with Jessica. We make sure all members feel heard. With practice, our members are finding themselves becoming better presenters and listeners, such as Richard R. below:

Member: Richard R. 
I joined Soulcast Media to improve my public speaking skills. Jessica helped with my delivery and my confidence in my public speaking. Her monthly meetings, online tools and being able to email her with questions have been instrumental in my improvement.”

2. Confidence in Yourself

Sometimes being introverted can make communicating difficult. You either don’t know what to say or you’re afraid of coming off as awkward.

We teach you how to break these barriers and really hone in on becoming a more confident person. You will learn the importance of body language and utilizing your tone of voice. You’ll also learn how to adjust both of these to ensure you’re displaying confidence signals when interacting with others. Executives in our membership love our confidence topics because it applies to their roles as leaders.

Our goal is to connect with you so we can work together. Sergio P. shares his experience with building confidence through our membership.

Member: Sergio P. 

“As a life-long introvert, I’ve noticed that a lot of what Jessica says is completely relatable. Unless you are an introvert, you don’t realize the little situations you encounter at work that will be that stumbling block of your day. Jessica has obviously walked in the same shoes because she brings up these small dilemmas that only a fellow introvert could know. But here is the great part, she offers advice to handle these dilemmas.

Most other classes that I have taken are given by instructors that are confident, fluid, and polished. Jessica is all that as well. But let me tell you the difference. She will, on occasion, take down that curtain and let you see a bit of her vulnerable side. In other words, she lets you see that behind that polished, successful person is someone that overcame their introvert tendencies to grow into the effective communicator that she has become. That, to me, is what makes her so effective and relatable.”

3. How to be More Clear and Engaging 
Getting your point across in an engaging way can be tricky. It’s all about the energy you give off and the way you speak. We teach individuals how to talk clearly and more charismatically in different settings such as in work meetings when you’re pitching an idea to someone, or even when you’re having a difficult conversation.
A member, below, shares how our content has helped him in his meetings and business interactions.

Member: Philip W.

“The investment in Jessica Chen’s Soulcast Media Membership paid for itself after the first month!  My professional communication skills have improved and I’m eager to improve more with Jessica’s simple advice. Jessica’s a pro!”
We want the Soulcast Media Membership to be your guide to becoming a better communicator. Together, we can help you improve your confidence and speaking through a consistent, guided practice. It’s the best career ROI in our book!
 Join now to start (enrollment closing soon!)

Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways we can help you:

  1. Discover your communications style so you know where to start. Over 4,000 people have found theirs here.
  2. Attend our monthly communication workshop to build communications confidence (new topics: public speaking, advocating for yourself, building credibility, etc) here.
  3. Get your brand in front of 43k+ people by sponsoring our newsletter or Soulcast Media | LIVE LinkedIn events [contact:]

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